Judiciary, Pepperdine University Team Gear Up For Capacity Building Programmes
The Executive Director, Hon. Justice Dr. Adonyo (Middle) with the team from Pepperdine University at JTI
The Judiciary and a team from the US-based Pepperdine University are in advanced plans for three major capacity-building activities.
The Pepperdine head of Global Justice Programme, Prof Jim Gash and Uganda's Honorary Consul to the USA, Mr Danny DeWalt, are in Uganda to make arrangements for the upcoming Women in Leadership Conference scheduled for March 13, 2018.
The team is also finalizing with the Anti Human Trafficking training scheduled for March 15 and 16, 2018.
The Women in Leadership conference which is being held under theme, "Impact of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence on the Girl Child" will be opened by the 1st Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Hon. Janet Kataha Museveni.
The visiting officials will also conduct hands-on Plea Bargaining trainings in Jinja and Iganga Prisons.
The Pepperdine team held a preparatory meeting with the Executive Director of Judicial Training Institute, Hon. Justice Dr. Henry Peter Adonyo and the Judiciary Advisor on Reforms, Mr. Andrew Khaukha, who is also the project manager of the MOU between Pepperdine University and the Justice, Law and Order Sector.
The team also visited Iganga and Jinja prisons where the Plea Bargaining trainings will take place.
All these are part of the Chief Justice's efforts to promote capacity-building.
Posted 21st, February 2018